Monday, 11 January 2010

Spinach soup and Jellyfish

Right! Firstly, a happy new year to all! Hope it was a good one! Before I go away and make a delectable spinach soup I shall tell y'all the goings on!

Jellyfish - All going swimmingly! Haha! Having ideas about how to expand this idea. So far I am still thinking that I need to play about with the scale of them as well as the shape and number...pretty much everything. First term was great for experimenty things and I think I cracked onto something interesting. I had an idea earlier on today...dont know if it will work. I am going to draw a depiction in good old paint...

What I'm thiking is that the bowl shaped area (number 1) Would be big enough to fit one or two people inside. Now this is still really in the early stages so I don't know how practical this is going to be but i am just going to play around with this idea on a smaller scale and see what happens. At first thought I think i would make my 'number 1' out of perspex or hematite, something of that sort. Something that is sturdy anyway! My favourite part of the idea is that the tentacles would be really detailed and hand-made. I dont know if I will use toilet paper, I think the project has moved on from that brief. I can imagine the whole thing to be something like the creature from Avatar...who stole my idea-ish!!!!

Other ideas are to not have humans in the bowls but reduce the scale and have something (cameras?) looking out and recording the whole situation from that perspective! We shall see we shall see.

Drawing!- For my drawing I felt I had a real breakthrough in the last weeks of term. Really liking this abstract projection of an image. I think I will step away from the white wall and maybe do a projection in a room with lots of stuff or reflect the image in mirrors, windows, tv screens etc and see what it looks like...

Thats all for now!

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