Sunday, 6 December 2009

Moon Jelly Fish and more info...

Hello again! The more I get used to using this blog the better it will become, hopefully, so thanks for having a look anyways. Today I will be tackling 'chapters'.

Moon Jellyfish.

I have managed to find a link on youtube of the Moon Jellyfish. Most of the clips I looked at have really bad rock music playing over it or else children asking if they can be stung through the glass. You will get the general idea of what I am trying to create in the Black Space at college in this clip...
Got some more pictures of my Jellyfish also...
This may be backtracking a bit but I found some pictures that I want to chuck up. After I decided to repeat my original pattern in mirrors and windows I decided to project the pattern onto a wall to try and create a Planetorium kind of space. I'm still toying with this but like the idea more than the outcome so need to resolve it in some way. These photos are developments from my earlier drawings which I may or may not have mentioned!

I have some photographs as well as two video clips of my newest approach to 'drawing'. The technique consists of me switching off the light and randomly picking a 'canvas' from newspaper, magazines or coloured card. I then crack open a glow stick and start to draw indecipherable Jellyfish. The whole process is actually really surreal and I think the video more than the photographs captures that. For now I will put up one video, just ignore any dialogue!

As part of the coursework I am doing me and a few girls from painting are looking at Pop Art vs Feminism. At first I thought this was going to be incredibly dull but in doing the research I have come across some really interesting information about 'Pop Art' as a movement as well as the (lack of) female artists. I recently read the essay by Linda Nochlin 'Why have there been no great women artists' (thank you ecamoodle) which I was sceptical about but now agree with, mostly. It all comes down to the definition of what makes a 'great' artist? When we refer to the 'greatness' of Picasso, Cezanne, Matisse etc we mean genius, uniqueness, complete reverence. Alternatively is 'Greatness' defined by respect, wealth and fame? Surely an artist would have to have some 'greatness' to say, sell there unmade bed for £150,000? Open to debate! Podcast coming soon....

As part of the

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