Sunday, 29 April 2012

Pilvi Takala

Real Snow White, 2009

Dominik Lang

 Public Lighting, 2006
This installation consists of two lights. One which was already there and one that has been added.
...Useless Light bulbs...

Paused Lightswitch

Still/Paused from VHS film

Friday, 27 April 2012

Josh Kline, Sleep is for the Weak

"This homemade yet utterly artificial combination carries a quiet threat..." - Josh Kline review by Lumi Tan

Torsten Lauschman

Still from Lifelike, 2008

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Alicja Kwade continued

Comparing reality with imitation. Confusion as to what is real

Alicja Kwade

Making something normal appear strange. Altering audience perception.

Bunker Lights

Flickering lights. Lights in a state of limbo. Quick glimpses of strange places

Corin Sworn

Slightly distorting the normal. Creating strangeness in reality

Jane and Louise Wilson

Strasi City.

Abandoned headquarters of the East German police.

Displaying Televisions

David Raymond Conroy,Kate Gilmore, James Brooks

David Raymond Conroy

Really like this presentation

Oliver Laric, Seized Bootleg DVDs and CDs, 2011

Seized Bootleg DVDs and CDs.
Good title or too obvious?

Madame Tussauds

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Waynes world fake set/real room

 Wayne's World set in a set projection

It's All Junk. Projector - Camera lens

Projection of 'Junk Lady' scene. Sarah encounters her fake room

Friday, 20 April 2012

Projection into camera lens

Projector looking at camera, camera projecting film onto wall.
Lens flare
Image distortion

fake/real continued

M.C Escher
Still from Labyrinth
Poster for Cabin in the Woods
Still from Labyrinth

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Scream 3


Set within a set. Re-visiting. Fake within Fake. Never real in the first place. Metafiction

Monday, 16 April 2012

Wayne's world layer


Sunday, 15 April 2012


The set within the film

 Set for the film

The is from the 1992 film Wayne's World. 
Garth and Wayne have signed a television deal, taking their show out of the basement and onto a big set.


 Bad Neon

My Neon Bunker

Paul Lewis

Paul Lewis

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Nintendo distortion

Paul B Davis - Intentional Computing

Friday, 6 April 2012


Accepting something as normal because it is repeated over and over and over again...then when there is a change that image stands out as being different and therefore not 'normal'